Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What is Greatness?

What is Greatness?

There are many qualities that in combination define greatness--perserverance, guts, determination, fortitude, compassion, sportsmanship and ownership.

Indeed, anyone who takes possession of what they want and what it will take to get there and does whatever it takes, arrives at their destination.

It never ceases to amaze me how 100% of successful people work their asses off. There are no exceptions.

Here are some of my favorite great CrossFit athletes:

"Killer" Kate Rawlings
This woman is glory and guts! Recently finishing 4th at the Central East Regionals. Check out her website.

Still think it's more important to be skinny than STRONG?

Here's another one--Chris Spealler. At 5'5" and 139#, this guy is going to the CrossFit Games AGAIN. This year he earned the opportunity to compete by winning the Northwest Regionals.
You don't have to look "like Arnold" to be a force to be reckoned with. Here's his stat sheet from LAST YEAR.

Still think you've got to be a "BIG" guy to be a top notch athlete?

Post thoughts to comments:

"Annie with a Squat"
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Do 10 Squats at the end of each round

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