Tuesday, May 4, 2010

No Beans?

Aren't beans healthy?  Loren Cordain addresses that in his recent blog post found here.

You will see that like glutens, they increase gut permeability and thus may lead to auto immune diseases such as celiac. They tend to pass through the digestive tract in tact.

Additionally, they are actually carbohydrates, not proteins as many people assume. If you are trying to lose weight or stick to a 40/30/30 Carbs/Protein/Fat plan beans are not a very healthy choice.

Our FAT LOSS challenge is into its THIRD week. Make sure you get measured today, so you can see how you are doing and keep yourself in check.
AUTUMN has gone 100% PALEO--not even milk in her coffee! So far, she reports she has lost 1" off her waist and she weighs less than she has for 14 years. 

You better work hard if you want to beat this woman!

Post your successes so far.

3 Rounds for Time:
400 m sprint
21 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Pull Ups


  1. Way to show discipline Autumn- That's Awesome! Keep up the good work!

    *JULIO 14:43
    MARYANN 12:38
    DENISE 15:59
    GREG 16:04
    BACHE 17:22

  3. Keep up the good work Autumn, your amazing! How do you feel?

  4. Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!!!
    I feel great- this paleo thing really works.

    Shannon is always right!!! :)

    Hope to see you soon! :)
