Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pursuit of Excellence

Many of us have been fed a bald faced lie. We've been told that as we get older, we should "be careful", "our bodies aren't what they used to be" or "slow down."

Crap. It's all crap.

Yes, bodies age, that is understood, but you are capable of far more than you believe you are capable of. And young bodies get beat up too.

At Team CrossFit Academy (where I train in Monrovia), one of the fittest woman there is a 57 years old woman named Donna. She not only beats all of the women, she beats most of the men at most events. She's competing for the Master's National medal in Olympic Weightlifting in a few months--a sport she just picked up recently.

Some of the fastest runners I compete against are in their 60's too. Check the stats at any race. See who the top players are. You'll be amazed at how many of them are in their 40's and beyond. We just don't give up!

Check out these photos of folks in their 60's and 70's who are pushing the envelope.

The choice is yours.

You can be 80, decrepit, sitting on the sofa, hunched over, barely able to walk, forced into a retirement home, because you can't even lift your groceries....or you can be 80, fully functional and running races.

I know which of these I'm going to be. How about you?

Our very own Dave is 61. He's our oldest bootcamper. He still surfs.


MOST of Team Survival's bootcampers are in their 40's and 50's. We only have a sprinkling of 20 and 30 year olds.

Now that you're getting more fit, what next?

Would you like to complete a marathon? How about an adventure race? What about skydiving?
The sky is the limit.

Dream big.



Flutter Kicks



Jumping Pull ups

FOLLOWED BY: 2X Max Dead Hang pullups--band assisted.


  1. GO AHEAD, Coach 'HARD-AS-NAILS' Franklin ......GIMME-UR-BEST-SHOT !!!
    While I DO Agree that a Person CAN, if Willing to Put in the 100% Effort, Do Things that They Thought Entirely IMPOSSIBLE for Their 'Capabilities' ........... There's No Getting 'Around' the FACT that, With Age, It's Only NATURAL For Our Bodies to Start To 'Break Down' and the 'HEALING-PROCESS', & Amount of Time Needed for Our Bodies to Fully Recover To a Stable State of Repair, Will Take LONGER than It Did When We Were in our Teens and Twenties. The 'KEY' to MINIMIZING the Frequency and Severity of the Oncoming Injuries is Placing Your Health and Body in a State Where You Are Able To LIMIT Occurances of Potential Injuries from Occurring !! .......( Ummmmmmm ........ NO, That STATE is NOT The Arizona or Nevada Desert .....lol..... But, GOOD GUESS !! ). That 'STATE' is a Position of Overall Well-Being and Physical & Mental Efficiency in Your LIFE and BODY. It Must Become a Part of Your MIND, HEART and SOUL !! ........ It's NOT a 6-WEEK or 6-MONTH or, Even, a 6-YEAR COMMITMENT To CHANGE Our Bodies and Minds To Achieve What We Might Look From Afar and Think : 'There's NO WAY that I Could EVER DO THAT' ......... IT'S A LIFE CHANGE !!................. EVERY 'Journey' Requires You to Follow a PATH to Reach Your Desired Destination ........... But You Can NEVER MAKE IT THERE Without, First, Doing Something that is SIMPLE To DO...... If You TRULY Want It BAD ENOUGH !!! ........... YOU'VE GOT TO TAKE THAT 'FIRST-STEP' in the RIGHT DIRECTION !! ........ And the FACT That You Have Joined Coach Shannons BootCamp ....... And GIVE-IT-YOUR-ALL, Each & Every Day, .......Means You've STARTED on the RIGHT PATH to the PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY STRONGER 'YOU', That You KNOW You Can Be !! ......... SLOW DOWN ??......EVEN FOR A 'LITTLE-BIT' ...... And You ONLY ACCOMPLISH Making Your Journey THAT MUCH FURTHER AWAY ...... But ,STAY THE COURSE ??......And Your GOALS and ASPIRATIONS Will Get CLOSER and CLOSER With EACH-PASSING-DAY....... IS IT 'EASY' ?? .........DEFINATELY NOT !! NOTHING WORTH HAVING IN LIFE EVER IS ..... You Know That??!!........... But When It FINALLY Stops Being a 'Practiced-Action', and INSTEAD Becomes 'Just-the-Way-You-Live-Life-Every Day' ?? ..............THAT, My Friends, Will Be The PROUDEST MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE-TIME ..... THAT WILL BE THE DAY WHEN YOU CAN STARE YOUR 'FAVORITE-NO-NO-DESSERT or ARTERY-CLOGGING CONCOCTION' IN THE EYES AND SAY ..... 'NOT ONLY DO I NOT "NEED" YOU IN THE LEAST .......... I DON'T EVEN "WANT" YOU IN MY LIFE EVER AGAIN !!! ......... I'M BETTER THAN ANYTHING YOU COULD POSSIBLY OFFER ME ....... I AM THE BEST 'ME' THAT I'VE EVER BEEN ......And I'm HAPPIER For It !!' ...........THAT FREEDOM, FROM THE SLAVERY OF POOR DIET AND DECLINING HEALTH, WILL BE SUCH A BURDEN LIFTED FROM YOUR VERY BEING ... IT WILL BE EXHILIRATING !! .......... YOU WILL CONTROL THE FOOD AND EXCERCISE ACTIVITIES ........ NO LONGER WILL YOU BE A SLAVE TO FATTY-FOODS AND LAZINESS ....................... So What Do You Say, My Fellow BootCampers ?? ....... Dont You AGREE That You Are ALL WORTH IT ....... DAMN-RIGHT-U-R !!!

  2. Damn well said...couldn't have stated it better myself. Thanks, Matt!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks to everyone tonight for your help with our "special guests". I am proud of each and everyone of you for who you are and who you are pushing to become.

    Keep it up!

  5. All of you are such an inspiration! Matt, Wow!! Amazing! Today I was able to resist the tacos and cookies that were staring me in the face for both lunch AND dinner. As I ate my food, I found that I really didn't want those things and I know that the reason for that was because of our Bootcamp. Without coach Shannon and you, my fellow bootcampers, that wouldn't have happened. I am feeling such gratitude for all of you right now. Thank you. Thank you for fighting the good fight. It encourages me to be strong and to keep the faith. Thank you!

  6. All we do is lead the way, Tammy. It is you who walk on the path.
