Monday, September 13, 2010

The Birth of a Star

Today is the day Robb Wolf's book, Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet is released to the public. I'm sure there was a time when Atkins wasn't well known. You all can say, you knew of Robb Wolf before he was famous. Because after today, I doubt he'll stay "incognito" for long!
Today marks a momentous day, because with the release of Robb's book comes the publicity that will surely follow. This is great news for all of the people on this planet suffering with everything from celiac to diabetes, as for many of them, simply following Robb's nutritional plan will surely save their lives.

We're trying to help Robb reach the New York Times Bestseller list! Order your book this week, so he can crush this!!

Here is the link to his book on Amazon.

Once you've read the book, REVIEW IT. Review it everywhere--Amazon, your blog, wherever you can find a place to talk about it.

Something evil involving Rowing, Double Unders and Planks


  1. 3:00 Pinky...Im coming to get u...

  2. Please note for your plank to count, you must have your hips, knees and ankles in a straight line. When your butt goes in the air, you're done.
