Monday, October 26, 2009

Hey, What's Your Excuse?

What's your excuse today?
What's your excuse for not eating right?

Even better, once you see today's WOD, what's your excuse for suddenly not wanting to show up?

Eva Twardken, former US Ski Champion and now Elite Level CrossFitter made a cool video of her client's excuses when faced with a brutally hard workout known as "Fran". Her video link follows:

Here's the WOD for the day:

Boot Camp Version of Filthy Fifties:

50 Box jumps

50 Jumping pull-ups (AM class doing squat jumps)

50 Kettlebell swings 53#M; 35#W

Walking Lunges, 50 steps

50 Knees to elbows (AM class 50 roll ups)

50 Push press (40# M; 30# W)

50 Back extensions (we're subbing supermans)

50 squat thrusters 20#DB/M; 15#DB/W (original calls for wall balls)

50 Burpees

50 Double unders (or 150 jumprope)

 Let's have some fun! What's your excuse for not wanting to do this today?

1 comment:


    AM (DID FILTHY 25'S)
    SANDRA 18:41
    KARLA 18:41
    JANET 19:06
    WARREN 19:37

    FILTHY 50'S
    GREG 30:56
    *DAVE 33:39
    *KEREN 31:05

    MELYN 35:43
    *JACQUE 39:39
    VILMA 42:01
    PRISCA 45:04
    JENNY 46:16
    DAVE 50:37
