Friday, October 9, 2009


I am so proud of all of you.

You all inspire me!

Rosa not only walked up the toughest hill in Sunland, she did it almost twice. The first time she did this, several months ago, I had to tow her.
Dave S. ran the same hill at a record pace, and after squat correction, now has beautiful form.

Charles' running pace is getting FAST, his strength has increased 10 fold.

Ledy, Maryann and Barbara--we miss you!
Prisca is an inspiration! She is determined to do everything with excellence.

Melyn's squats and walking lunges are nearing perfection, and her speed has increased exponentially.

Vilma and Sandra, our newbies, kicked butt running in the pitch black darkness with nothing more than a headlamp and the moon to guide their way. They are two tenacious women with guts!

Mauricio is steady, works hard and is getting stronger and improving daily.
Rick works hard, gets it done and is dedicated to pursuing excellence.
Tammy is FIERCE! This girl has the grit to get it done!

Chris recovered from a torn achilles, only to come back and kick some SERIOUS ass!
Jenny just completed her 2nd 5K and PR'ed by 4 mins!

Autumn is strong and getting stronger. She even keeps Keren on her toes!

Dave Miles' running form is looking great, and he can do some mean push ups!
Christy is stronger than most of our men. She never complains. She works HARD!

Warren is like the energizer bunny...he just keeps on going and going.
Steve is giving it the best he's got.

Keren, well, what can we say about Keren--except she's Wonder Woman.
Michael's making daily progress and getting stronger all the time.
Wendy's hangin' in there and trying hard.

Jacque will be back next week!
Leanne will too!

Where are you?


Weighted Burpees
Broad Jumps
Sit Ups
High Jumps (Box Jumps for PM class)

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