Monday, April 5, 2010

Run Baby Run

Check out this photo. Recognize anyone? This is the featured photo at the top of This was Keren, Charles' and Jenny's first 5K. How about that?

What does it take to excel? Excellent training is the obvious answer; excellent nutrition and recovery as well.  But what about mindset?

Have you ever noticed that on the day's you "just don't feel like it" your performance generally isn't up to par?  Could it be because you telling yourself that and thus manifesting it in the physical universe?

I always talk about the importance of good technique, but what about mindset? How important is that?

Tommy Kono, former Olympic Gold Medalist and World Champion for 8 years consecutively is featured in this month's Performance Menu--published by Greg Everett, co-owner of Catalyst Athletics and author of Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes and Coaches

Mr. Kono has a new book out, his second, called "Championship Weightlifting". It covers the mental and psychological side of Olympic weightlifting and expounds on the approach to
overcome the barriers that hold us back from progressing. In Championship Olympic Weightlifting, per Kono, 50% is mental, 30% is technique and 20% is power.

That bears repeating: 50% is mental, 30% is technique and 20% is power.

Think about that.

Whenever you PR, what is your mindset?
When you've excelled during a WOD, do you recall what you were thinking?

I'd bet money you DECIDED you were going to do well and KEPT that thought in order to achieve that. I'd also bet money than when you've done poorly, you were feeling sorry for yourself or "not up to it" or believing that you "couldn't".

Changing your mind requires practice, just like learning to deadlift does, but it can be learned.

Start practicing empowering beliefs now. Remember, every action was preceded by a thought.

Practice believing your are becoming a champion, and soon you will be one.

MACKS (from
20:10 ==> Run all out efforts for 20s, followed by 10s rest, until 2

miles are completed.


  1. What an excellent post!!
    While I am in a middle of a WOD, on some occasions I break down mentally but I never give up because Shannon is watching and I have my team mates support and I always finish. In todays WOD, Sandra encouraged me when I thought I had nothing left. This is the beauty of CrossFit:
    TEAM SURVIVAL - I now have a better understanding behind the name.
