Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do You Have What it Takes?

I read a post recently from my Coach at Team CrossFit Academy about focus. In it he stated that (and I paraphrase) "focus is removing everything else but the goal from your mind."

Think about that. 

Do you have what it takes to push past the pain and keep going?
Do you have the drive to work hard and not give up?
Do you show up?
Do you give 110% when you do?

These two do.

"Street Fight"
3 Rounds of Max Efforts in One Minute
One Minute Rest Between Rounds
In the spirit of "Fight Gone Bad"
Deadlift 125/180
Air Squat
Push Press 55/75
Knees to Elbows
Double Unders


  1. Gotta love Jaque's spiky rooster hairstyle!!


  2. Gotta love Jaque's spiky rooster hairstyle


  3. What big hair I have.


  4. If your score is lower than you remember, it is b/c "jump rope" did not count...only double-unders or attempts.

    Laura 104
    Brenda 120
    Lily 132
    Liana 135
    Claudia 134
    Carla 137
    Karina 138
    Warren 141
    Bret 142
    Charles 150
    Jonathan 164
    Christy 167
    Tamar 169
    Jackie 177
    George 177
    Heidi 184
    Prisca 192
    *Julio 192
    Sharon 194
    Mariann 198
    Joyce 200
    Chris 200
    *Greg 201
    Denise 202
    Sandra 208
    Robert 220
    Autumn 223
    *Jacque 224
    Mary Ann 235
    Bache 263
    Rosa 267
